
Skiing, Photography, Design, Spanish, Travel, Teaching, Hiking, Camping, Eating

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About Me

This year will be my third year teaching Spanish and there’s nothing else I would rather be doing. I currently teach at Lake Travis High School near Austin, Texas and I enjoy and appreciate what I do. There are challenges, however they are interesting and require creativity, quick thinking and experience to solve. I get tremendous satisfaction out of seeing an idea click in a student’s head, expanding their cultural and global perspectives and giving back to the community. 

Five Primary Goals

  • Ignite a passion for learning about languages and culture.

  • Expand my student’s cultural and global perspective.

  • Increase Spanish fluency and proficiency among my students with innovative techniques.

  • Help students build skills that will benefit them in the long term.

  • Make sure every kid knows they have a valuable place in this world.

Long Term Mission

To impact as many people as I can through innovative education with a cultural/global perspective, to help students build important skills that will aid them in life and to make sure every kid feels like they have a community to rely upon.